The journey to understand life begins with imagination, which is the driving force to understand data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, that’s why half of the circle is imagination.

Everyone has his/her vision, that vision would be small if s/he is limiting himself or herself only to data , it grows with information, knowledge and wisdom.

The real vision is completed when the circle of life is completed after the completion of 360 degrees through imagination, that’s why Einstein said “Imagination is more important then knowledge, for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world”.

Knowledge sharing is one of the most important aspects of humanity. Without knowledge and information, one cannot think, cannot process and cannot get work done.

This section is a place for you to read, write information on various aspects of Human life. Get to know about articles related to sports, computer and technology and about the latest news going on around in the world. Get to know about what is going on in the world of sports and politics about your sports. We are here to help you in gathering information and share our experience for the job seeking candidates searching for tips on the internet.

Test your Skills

mygkbook is conducting an online test to measure the knowledge of the participants with provided information and latest current affairs. Participating in a quiz competition helps to grow our confidence level and opens the gateways of our thinking, Which takes a person to the next level. Previously in our olden days, students were gathered in a classroom at the same time to attend an exam. But now in these modern times everything has become online and people can choose their own timings according to their feasibility With their own devices, regardless of place where they live. We only need a browser and an internet connection.


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Time alloted : 20 minutes.


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