232 |
1899 |
(1899 - 1905): Lord Curzon Viceroy. |
231 |
1896 |
Ramakrishna Mission founded. |
230 |
1894 |
(1894 - 99): Lord Elgin II Viceroy. |
229 |
1892 |
Indian Councils Act. |
228 |
1888 |
(1888 - 93): Lord Landsdowne Viceroy. |
227 |
1887 |
Queen Victoria's Jubilee. |
226 |
1885 |
First session of the Indian National Congress held at Bombay. |
225 |
1884 |
(1884 - 88): Lord Dufferin Viceroy. |
224 |
1883 |
(1883 - 84): Ilbert Bill controversy. |
223 |
1883 |
Indian National Conference held in Calcutta. |
222 |
1881 |
Factory Act. |
221 |
1880 |
(1880 - 84): Lord Ripon as Viceroy. |
220 |
1879 |
Theosophical Society at Adayar, (was set up) Madras. |
219 |
1878 |
Vernacular Press Act. |
218 |
1877 |
Lord Lytton held Durbar at Delhi where Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India. |
217 |
1875 |
Arya Samaj founded by Swami Dayananda. |
216 |
1875 |
Visit of the Prince of Wales. |
215 |
1869 |
(1869 - 72): Lord Mayo as Viceroy. |
214 |
1865 |
Telegraphic communication with Europe opened. |
213 |
1864 |
(1864 - 69): Sir John Lawrence Viceroy. |
212 |
1862 |
(1862 - 63): Lord Elgin as Viceroy. |
211 |
1861 |
Introduction of the Penal code. |
210 |
1861 |
Indian Civil Service Act. |
209 |
1861 |
Archaeological Survey of India set up. |
208 |
1861 |
Indian Councils Act. |
207 |
1858 |
(1858 - 62): Lord Canning as Viceroy. |
206 |
1858 |
British India placed under the direct government of the Crown. Queen Victoria's Proclamation. |
205 |
1857 |
(1857 - 58): Revolt of 1857. Revolt at Meerut begins on May 10, 1857. |
204 |
1856 |
(1856 - 58): Lord Canning - Governor-General. |
203 |
1856 |
Annexation of Awadh. Indian University Act. Hindu Widow's Remarriage Act. |
202 |
1855 |
Santhal insurrection in Bihar. |
201 |
1854 |
Charles Wood's despatch on Education. |
200 |
1853 |
Railway opened from Bombay to Thana. Telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra. |
199 |
1852 |
Second Anglo-Burmese War. |
198 |
1848 |
(1848 - 56): Lord Dalhousie as Governor-General. |
197 |
1848 |
(1848 - 49): Opening of a Hindu Girls' School in Calcutta by Bethune. |
196 |
1848 |
(1848 - 49): Second Anglo-Sikh War. Defeat of Sikhs and annexation of the Punjab. |
195 |
1845 |
(1845 - 46): First Anglo-Sikh War. Treaty of Lahore. |
194 |
1844 |
(1844 - 48): Lord Hardinge as Governor-General. |
193 |
1842 |
(1842 - 44): Lord Ellenborough as Governor-General. |
192 |
1839 |
Death of Ranjit Singh. |
191 |
1836 |
(1836 - 42): Lord Auckland as Governor-General. |
190 |
1835 |
(1835 - 36): Sir Charles Metcalf Governor-General. |
189 |
1835 |
Foundation of Calcutta Medical College. |
188 |
1835 |
Macaulay's Education Resolution. English made official language instead of Persian. |
187 |
1833 |
Renewal of Company's charter. Abolition of the Company's trading rights. |
186 |
1829 |
(1829 - 37): Suppression of Thuggee. |
185 |
1829 |
Prohibition of Sati. |
184 |
1828 |
(1828 - 35): Lord William Bentinck as Governor General. |
183 |
1824 |
(1824 - 26): First Burmese War. |
182 |
1823 |
(1823 - 28): Lord Amherst Governor-General. |
181 |
1818 |
(1818 - 19): Last Anglo-Maratha War. |
180 |
1817 |
(1817 - 18): Pindari War - Peshwa defeated at Kirkee. |
179 |
1814 |
(1814 - 16): Anglo-Gurkha War. |
178 |
1813 |
(1813 - 23): Lord Hastings as Governor-General. |
177 |
1809 |
Treaty of Amritsar-Ranjit Singh and British sign treaty of perpetual amity. |
176 |
1807 |
(1807 - 13): Lord Minto as Governor-General. |
175 |
1803 |
(1803 - 05): Second Anglo-Maratha War. |
174 |
1803 |
Occupation of Delhi by Lord Lake. |
173 |
1802 |
The Treaty of Bassein between Peshwa and English. |
172 |
1800 |
Establishment of the College of Fort William. |
171 |
1799 |
Fourth Mysore War. Fall of Srirangapatnam. Death of Tipu. |
170 |
1798 |
Lord Wellesley as Governor-General and brought subsidiary alliance. |
169 |
1793 |
(1793 - 98): Sir John Shore, Governor-General. |
168 |
1793 |
The Permanent Zamindari Settlement of Bengal. |
167 |
1792 |
Treaty of Srirangapatnam signed between Tipu and English. |
166 |
1790 |
(1790 - 92): Third Mysore War. |
165 |
1786 |
(1786 - 93): Lord Cornwalis, Governor-General. |
164 |
1784 |
Asiatic Society of Bengal founded by Sir William Jones. |
163 |
1784 |
Pitt's Act passed, Setting up Board of Control for East India Company. |
162 |
1784 |
Treaty of Mangalore between Tipu and the English. |
161 |
1783 |
Fox's India Bills give more powers to Parliament and to the Governor-General. |
160 |
1780 |
(1780 - 84): Second Mysore War. |
159 |
1776 |
Treaty of Purandar. |
158 |
1775 |
(1775 - 82): The First Anglo-Maratha War. |
157 |
1773 |
(1773 - 85): Establishment of Supreme Court,Calcutta. |
156 |
1773 |
(1773 - 85): Warren Hastings Governor-General. |
155 |
1773 |
The Regulating Act was passed, bringing the company partially under Parliament's control and the Presidencies under Calcutta's control. |
154 |
1772 |
(1772 - 73): Abolition of Dual Government of Bengal (1772). |
153 |
1772 |
(1772 - 73): Warren Hastings as Governor of Bengal. |
152 |
1771 |
Marathas occupy Delhi and restore Shah Alam who was till then under English protection at Allahabad. |
151 |
1770 |
The Great Bengal Famine. |
150 |
1767 |
(1767 - 69): The First Anglo Mysore War. |
149 |
1765 |
(1765 - 72): Dual Government of Bengal. |
148 |
1765 |
Clive, Company's Governor in Bengal. |
147 |
1765 |
Grant of the "Diwani" of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa to the East India Company by Shah Alam II under Treaty of Allahabad. |
146 |
1764 |
Battle of Buxar. The English defeat Shah Alam, Shuja-ud-daulah and Mir Qasim. |
145 |
1761 |
Third Battle of Panipat: The Marathas defeated by the combined troops of Ahmad Shah Abdali; the Mughals, and other Muslim chiefs of India. |
144 |
1760 |
Battle of Wandiwash. |
143 |
1757 |
Battle of Plassey. |
142 |
1756 |
(1756 - 63): Third Carnatic war. |
141 |
1748 |
(1748 - 54): Second Carnatic war. |
140 |
1746 |
(1746 - 48): First Carnatic war. |
139 |
1740 |
(1740 - 1761): Peshwaship of Balaji Baji Rao (NanaSaheb). |
138 |
1739 |
Invasion of Nadirshah. |
137 |
1707 |
Death of Aurangzeb at Ahmadnagar. |
136 |
1687 |
Golconda annexed to the Mughal empire. |
135 |
1686 |
Conquest of Bijapur by Aurangzeb. |
134 |
1680 |
Death of Sivaji. |
133 |
1679 |
Jeziah imposed on the Hindus by Aurangzeb. |
132 |
1675 |
Execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur. |
131 |
1674 |
Sivaji's Coronation and assumption of the title of Chatrapati. |
130 |
1666 |
Death of Shah Jahan. |
129 |
1665 |
Conclusion of the treaty of Purandhar - signed between Sivaji and Jai Singh. |
128 |
1663 |
Shaista Khan appointed Governor of Bengal. |
127 |
1663 |
Attack on Poona by Shivaji. |
126 |
1663 |
Death of Mir Jumla. |
125 |
1659 |
Murder of Afzal Khan by Shivaji. |
124 |
1658 |
Coronation of Aurangzeb. |
123 |
1636 |
Treaties with Bijapur and Golcunda. |
122 |
1631 |
Death of Mumtaz Mahal. |
121 |
1628 |
Shah Jahan proclaimed Emperor. |
120 |
1627 |
Death of Jahangir. |
119 |
1615 |
Sir Thomas Roe in the court of Jahangir. |
118 |
1609 |
William Hawking visited Jahangir. |
117 |
1605 |
(1605 - 1627): Reign of Jahangir. |
116 |
1605 |
Death of Akbar and accession of Jahangir. |
115 |
1600 |
Charter to British East India company. |
114 |
1600 |
Deccan expedition and siege of Ahmadnagar. |