The journey to understand life begins with imagination, which is the driving force to understand data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, that’s why half of the circle is imagination.

Everyone has his/her vision, that vision would be small if s/he is limiting himself or herself only to data , it grows with information, knowledge and wisdom.

The real vision is completed when the circle of life is completed after the completion of 360 degrees through imagination, that’s why Einstein said “Imagination is more important then knowledge, for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world”.

Knowledge sharing is one of the most important aspects of humanity. Without knowledge and information, one cannot think, cannot process and cannot get work done.

This section is a place for you to read, write information on various aspects of Human life. Get to know about articles related to sports, computer and technology and about the latest news going on around in the world. Get to know about what is going on in the world of sports and politics about your sports. We are here to help you in gathering information and share our experience for the job seeking candidates searching for tips on the internet.

Date Date Reason
232 1899 (1899 - 1905): Lord Curzon Viceroy.
231 1896 Ramakrishna Mission founded.
230 1894 (1894 - 99): Lord Elgin II Viceroy.
229 1892 Indian Councils Act.
228 1888 (1888 - 93): Lord Landsdowne Viceroy.
227 1887 Queen Victoria's Jubilee.
226 1885 First session of the Indian National Congress held at Bombay.
225 1884 (1884 - 88): Lord Dufferin Viceroy.
224 1883 (1883 - 84): Ilbert Bill controversy.
223 1883 Indian National Conference held in Calcutta.
222 1881 Factory Act.
221 1880 (1880 - 84): Lord Ripon as Viceroy.
220 1879 Theosophical Society at Adayar, (was set up) Madras.
219 1878 Vernacular Press Act.
218 1877 Lord Lytton held Durbar at Delhi where Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India.
217 1875 Arya Samaj founded by Swami Dayananda.
216 1875 Visit of the Prince of Wales.
215 1869 (1869 - 72): Lord Mayo as Viceroy.
214 1865 Telegraphic communication with Europe opened.
213 1864 (1864 - 69): Sir John Lawrence Viceroy.
212 1862 (1862 - 63): Lord Elgin as Viceroy.
211 1861 Introduction of the Penal code.
210 1861 Indian Civil Service Act.
209 1861 Archaeological Survey of India set up.
208 1861 Indian Councils Act.
207 1858 (1858 - 62): Lord Canning as Viceroy.
206 1858 British India placed under the direct government of the Crown. Queen Victoria's Proclamation.
205 1857 (1857 - 58): Revolt of 1857. Revolt at Meerut begins on May 10, 1857.
204 1856 (1856 - 58): Lord Canning - Governor-General.
203 1856 Annexation of Awadh. Indian University Act. Hindu Widow's Remarriage Act.
202 1855 Santhal insurrection in Bihar.
201 1854 Charles Wood's despatch on Education.
200 1853 Railway opened from Bombay to Thana. Telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra.
199 1852 Second Anglo-Burmese War.
198 1848 (1848 - 56): Lord Dalhousie as Governor-General.
197 1848 (1848 - 49): Opening of a Hindu Girls' School in Calcutta by Bethune.
196 1848 (1848 - 49): Second Anglo-Sikh War. Defeat of Sikhs and annexation of the Punjab.
195 1845 (1845 - 46): First Anglo-Sikh War. Treaty of Lahore.
194 1844 (1844 - 48): Lord Hardinge as Governor-General.
193 1842 (1842 - 44): Lord Ellenborough as Governor-General.
192 1839 Death of Ranjit Singh.
191 1836 (1836 - 42): Lord Auckland as Governor-General.
190 1835 (1835 - 36): Sir Charles Metcalf Governor-General.
189 1835 Foundation of Calcutta Medical College.
188 1835 Macaulay's Education Resolution. English made official language instead of Persian.
187 1833 Renewal of Company's charter. Abolition of the Company's trading rights.
186 1829 (1829 - 37): Suppression of Thuggee.
185 1829 Prohibition of Sati.
184 1828 (1828 - 35): Lord William Bentinck as Governor General.
183 1824 (1824 - 26): First Burmese War.
182 1823 (1823 - 28): Lord Amherst Governor-General.
181 1818 (1818 - 19): Last Anglo-Maratha War.
180 1817 (1817 - 18): Pindari War - Peshwa defeated at Kirkee.
179 1814 (1814 - 16): Anglo-Gurkha War.
178 1813 (1813 - 23): Lord Hastings as Governor-General.
177 1809 Treaty of Amritsar-Ranjit Singh and British sign treaty of perpetual amity.
176 1807 (1807 - 13): Lord Minto as Governor-General.
175 1803 (1803 - 05): Second Anglo-Maratha War.
174 1803 Occupation of Delhi by Lord Lake.
173 1802 The Treaty of Bassein between Peshwa and English.
172 1800 Establishment of the College of Fort William.
171 1799 Fourth Mysore War. Fall of Srirangapatnam. Death of Tipu.
170 1798 Lord Wellesley as Governor-General and brought subsidiary alliance.
169 1793 (1793 - 98): Sir John Shore, Governor-General.
168 1793 The Permanent Zamindari Settlement of Bengal.
167 1792 Treaty of Srirangapatnam signed between Tipu and English.
166 1790 (1790 - 92): Third Mysore War.
165 1786 (1786 - 93): Lord Cornwalis, Governor-General.
164 1784 Asiatic Society of Bengal founded by Sir William Jones.
163 1784 Pitt's Act passed, Setting up Board of Control for East India Company.
162 1784 Treaty of Mangalore between Tipu and the English.
161 1783 Fox's India Bills give more powers to Parliament and to the Governor-General.
160 1780 (1780 - 84): Second Mysore War.
159 1776 Treaty of Purandar.
158 1775 (1775 - 82): The First Anglo-Maratha War.
157 1773 (1773 - 85): Establishment of Supreme Court,Calcutta.
156 1773 (1773 - 85): Warren Hastings Governor-General.
155 1773 The Regulating Act was passed, bringing the company partially under Parliament's control and the Presidencies under Calcutta's control.
154 1772 (1772 - 73): Abolition of Dual Government of Bengal (1772).
153 1772 (1772 - 73): Warren Hastings as Governor of Bengal.
152 1771 Marathas occupy Delhi and restore Shah Alam who was till then under English protection at Allahabad.
151 1770 The Great Bengal Famine.
150 1767 (1767 - 69): The First Anglo Mysore War.
149 1765 (1765 - 72): Dual Government of Bengal.
148 1765 Clive, Company's Governor in Bengal.
147 1765 Grant of the "Diwani" of Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa to the East India Company by Shah Alam II under Treaty of Allahabad.
146 1764 Battle of Buxar. The English defeat Shah Alam, Shuja-ud-daulah and Mir Qasim.
145 1761 Third Battle of Panipat: The Marathas defeated by the combined troops of Ahmad Shah Abdali; the Mughals, and other Muslim chiefs of India.
144 1760 Battle of Wandiwash.
143 1757 Battle of Plassey.
142 1756 (1756 - 63): Third Carnatic war.
141 1748 (1748 - 54): Second Carnatic war.
140 1746 (1746 - 48): First Carnatic war.
139 1740 (1740 - 1761): Peshwaship of Balaji Baji Rao (NanaSaheb).
138 1739 Invasion of Nadirshah.
137 1707 Death of Aurangzeb at Ahmadnagar.
136 1687 Golconda annexed to the Mughal empire.
135 1686 Conquest of Bijapur by Aurangzeb.
134 1680 Death of Sivaji.
133 1679 Jeziah imposed on the Hindus by Aurangzeb.
132 1675 Execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur.
131 1674 Sivaji's Coronation and assumption of the title of Chatrapati.
130 1666 Death of Shah Jahan.
129 1665 Conclusion of the treaty of Purandhar - signed between Sivaji and Jai Singh.
128 1663 Shaista Khan appointed Governor of Bengal.
127 1663 Attack on Poona by Shivaji.
126 1663 Death of Mir Jumla.
125 1659 Murder of Afzal Khan by Shivaji.
124 1658 Coronation of Aurangzeb.
123 1636 Treaties with Bijapur and Golcunda.
122 1631 Death of Mumtaz Mahal.
121 1628 Shah Jahan proclaimed Emperor.
120 1627 Death of Jahangir.
119 1615 Sir Thomas Roe in the court of Jahangir.
118 1609 William Hawking visited Jahangir.
117 1605 (1605 - 1627): Reign of Jahangir.
116 1605 Death of Akbar and accession of Jahangir.
115 1600 Charter to British East India company.
114 1600 Deccan expedition and siege of Ahmadnagar.