The journey to understand life begins with imagination, which is the driving force to understand data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, that’s why half of the circle is imagination.

Everyone has his/her vision, that vision would be small if s/he is limiting himself or herself only to data , it grows with information, knowledge and wisdom.

The real vision is completed when the circle of life is completed after the completion of 360 degrees through imagination, that’s why Einstein said “Imagination is more important then knowledge, for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world”.

Knowledge sharing is one of the most important aspects of humanity. Without knowledge and information, one cannot think, cannot process and cannot get work done.

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Book Author
Damsel in Distress P G. Wodehouse
Dancing with the Devil Rod Barker
Dangling Man Saul Bellow
Daniel Deronda George Eliot
Dark Debts Karen Hall
Dark Home Coming Eric Lustbader
Dark Side of Camelot Seymour Hersh
Darkness at Noon Arthur Koestler
Das Kapital Karl Marx
Dashkumar Charitam Dandi
Dateline Kargil Gaurav C. Samant
Daughter of the East Benazir Bhutto
David Copperfield Charles Dickens
Days of Grace Arthur Ashe & Arnold Rampersad
Days of His Grace Eyvind Johnson
Days of My Years H. P. Nanda
De Profundis Oscar Wilde
Dean's December Saul Bellow
Death and Mter Annie Besant
Death Be Not Proud John Gunther
Death in the Casde Pearl S. Buck
Death in Venice Thomas Maim
Death of a City Amrita Pritam
Death of a Patriot R. E. Harrington
Death of a President William Manchester
Death on the Nile Agatha Christie
Death Under Sail C. P. Snow
Death - The Supreme Friend Kakasaheb Kalelkar
Debacle Emile Zola
Decameron Giovanni Boccaccio
Decline and Fall of Indira Gandhi D. R. Mankekar and Kamala Mankekar
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbon
Decline of the West O' Spengler
Democracy Means Bread and Freedom Piloo Mody
Democracy Redeemed V. K. Narsimhan
Democratic Governance in India - Challenges of Poverty, Development & Identity Nirja Gopal Jayal & Sudha Pai
Descent of Man Charks Darwin
Deserted Village Oliver Goldsmith
Detective Arthur Hailey
Devdas Sharat Chandra Chatterjee
Development and Nationhood - Essays in the Political Economy of South Asia Meghnad Desai
Development As Freedom Amartya Sen
Development Banks-Infrastructure and Industrial Output Prakash Salvi
Development with Dignity-A Case for Full Employment Amit Bhaduri
Devi - The Great Goddess Vidya Dahejia
Dharamashastra Manu
Dialogue With Death Arthur Koestler
Dialogue With Pakistan S. G. Kashika
Diana Versus Charles James Whitaker
Diana - Her Time Story in Her Own Words Andrew Martin
Diana - Princess of Wales A Tribute
Diana - The Story So Far Julia Donelli
Diana - The True Story Andrew Morton
Die Blendung Elias Canetti
Differentiate or Die Jack Trout & Steve Rivkin.
Difficult Daughters Manju Kapoor
Dilemma of Our Time Harold Joseph La ski
Diplomacy Henry Kissinger
Diplomacy and Disillusion George Urbans
Diplomacy for the Next Century Abba Eban
Diplomacy in Peace and War J. N. Kaul
Disappearing Acts Terry McMillan
Discovery of India Jawahadal Nehru
Disgrace J. M. Coetzee
Distant Drums Manohar Malgonkar
Distant Neighbours Kuldip Nayar
Divine Comedy A. Dante
Divine Life Swami Sivananda
Doctor Faustus Christopher Marlowe
Doctor's Dilemma George Bernard Shaw
Dolly - The Birth of a Clone Jina Kolata
Don Juan George Byrqn
Don Quixote Saavedra Miguel de Cervantes
Don't Laugh - We are Police Bishan Lal Vohra
Double Betrayal Paula R. Newburg
Double Tongue William Golding
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson
Dr. Zhivago Boris Pasternak
Dragon's Teeth U. B. Sinclair
Dream of Fair to Middling Women Samuel Beckett
Dreams,Roses and Fire Eyvind Johnson
Drogon's Seed Pearl S. Buck
Drunkard Emile Zola
Dude, Where's My Country? Michael Moore
Durgesh Nandini Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Dust to Dust Tami Hoag
Dynamics of Social Change Chandra Shekhar
Dynasties of India and Beyond - Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh lnder Malhotra