The journey to understand life begins with imagination, which is the driving force to understand data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, that’s why half of the circle is imagination.

Everyone has his/her vision, that vision would be small if s/he is limiting himself or herself only to data , it grows with information, knowledge and wisdom.

The real vision is completed when the circle of life is completed after the completion of 360 degrees through imagination, that’s why Einstein said “Imagination is more important then knowledge, for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world”.

Knowledge sharing is one of the most important aspects of humanity. Without knowledge and information, one cannot think, cannot process and cannot get work done.

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Book Author
La Divine Comedia A. Dante
La Peste Albert Camus
Lady Chatterley's Lover D. H. Lawrence
Lady of the Lake Sir Walter Scott
Lady with the Lapdog Anton Chekhov
Lajja Taslima Nasreen
Lal Bahadur Shastri C. P. Srivastava
L'Allegro John Milton
Last Analysis Saru Bellow
Last Burden Upamanyu Chatterjee
Last Days of Pompeii Edward George Lytton
Last Orders Graham Swift
Last Things C. P. Snow
Law, Lawyers & Judges H. R. Bhardwaj
Laws Versus Justice V. R. Krishna lyer
Laws, Ideas and Ideology in Politics - Perspective of an Activist Ashwani Kumar
Le Contract Social (The Social Contract) J. J. Rousseau
Lead Kindly Light Cardinal Newman
Leaders Richard Nixon
Learning to Forget - The AntiMemoirs of Modernity Dipankar Gupta
Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman
Legacy of a Divided Nation Mushirul Hasan
Les Miserables Victor Hugo
Lest We Forget Amarinder Singh
Letter from Peking Pearl S. Buck
Letters Between a Father and Son V. S. Naipaul
Letters From the Field Margaret Mead
Leviathan Thomas Hobbes
Liberty & Death Patrick French
Life and Death of Mr. Badman John Bunyan
Life and Times of Michael K J. M. Coetzee
Life Divine Aurobindo Ghosh
Life is Elsewhere Milan Kundera
Life Isn't All Ha Ha Hee Hee Meera Syal
Life of Pi Yann Martel
Light That Failed Rudyard Kipling
Lighting Danielie Steel
Like Water for Chocolate Laura Esquivel
Line of Control Tom Clancy & Steve Pieceznik
Lines of Fate Mark Kharitonov
Lipika Rabindranath Tagore
Listening Now Anjana Apachana
Little Angels Ms. V. Mohini Giri
Living History - An Autobiography of Hillary Rodham Clinton Simon & Schuster
Living Room Graham Greene
Lolita V. Nabokov
Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner Allan Sillitoe
Long Day's Journey into Night Eugene O'Neill
Long Road Home Danielle Steel
Long Shadow - Inside Stalin's Family Svetlana Allilyuyeva
Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela
Look Back in Anger John Osborne
Lord Jim Joseph Conrad
Lord of the Flies William Golding
Lost Child Mulk Raj Anand
Lost Honour John Dean
Lost Illusion Honore de Balzac
Lotus Eaters A. Tennvson
Love and Longing in Bombay Vikram Chandra
Love in a Blue Time Hanif Khureshi
Love in a Dead Language Lee Seigel
Love Story Eric Segal
Love, Truth and a Little Malice Khushwant Singh
Lycidas John Milton