The journey to understand life begins with imagination, which is the driving force to understand data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, that’s why half of the circle is imagination.

Everyone has his/her vision, that vision would be small if s/he is limiting himself or herself only to data , it grows with information, knowledge and wisdom.

The real vision is completed when the circle of life is completed after the completion of 360 degrees through imagination, that’s why Einstein said “Imagination is more important then knowledge, for knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world”.

Knowledge sharing is one of the most important aspects of humanity. Without knowledge and information, one cannot think, cannot process and cannot get work done.

This section is a place for you to read, write information on various aspects of Human life. Get to know about articles related to sports, computer and technology and about the latest news going on around in the world. Get to know about what is going on in the world of sports and politics about your sports. We are here to help you in gathering information and share our experience for the job seeking candidates searching for tips on the internet.

Common Name Scientific Name
Adder (Viper) Vipera Berus
Ant Hymenopetrous formicidae
Ass Equs Asinus
Bat Chiroptera
Bear Ursidae Carnivora
Bison (Buffalo) Bison Bonasus
Camel Camelus Camelidae
Cat Felis Catus
Chameleon Chamaele Ontidate
Cheetah Acinonyx Jubatus
Chimpanzee Pan Troglodytes
Cobra Elapidae Naja
Cougar Fenis Concolour
Crocodile Crocodilia Niloticus
Deer Artiodactyl Cervidae
Dog Cannis Familiaris
Dolphin Delphinidae Delphis
Elephant Proboscidea Elephantidae
Fox Cannis Vulpes
Frog Anura Ranidae
Giraffe Giraffa Camalopardalis
Goat Capra Hircus
Hippopotamus Hippopotamus Amphibius
Horse Eqqus Caballus
Hyena Hyaenidae Carnivora
Kangaroo Macropus Macropodidae
Lion Panthera Leo
Lizard Sauria Lacertidae
Mouse Rodentia Muridae
Panda Alurpoda Melanoleuca
Panther Panthera Pardus
Pig Artiodactyla Suidae
Porcupine Hystricomorph Hystricidae
Rabbit Leporidae Cuniculas
Rabbit Rodentia Rattus
Rattle Snake Cortalus Horridus
Reindeer Rangifer Tarrandus
Rhinoceros Perrissodanctyl Rthinocerotidae
Scorpion Archinida Scorpionida
Sea Horse Hippocampus Syngnathidae
Seal Pinnipedia Phocidae
Sheep Bovidae Ovis
Spider Monkey Arboreal Ateles
Squirrel Rodentia Sciurus
Tiger Panthera Tigris
Tiger Cat Felis Tigrina
Whale Shark Rhincodon Typus
Zebra Equidae Burcheli