Acarology |
Study of mites |
Accidence |
Grammar book; science of inflections in grammar |
Aceology |
Therapeutics |
Acology |
Study of medical remedies |
Acoustics |
Science of sound |
Adenology |
Study of glands |
Aedoeology |
Science of generative organs |
Aerobiology |
Study of airborne organisms |
Aerodonetics |
Science or study of gliding |
Aerodynamics |
Dynamics of gases; science of movement in a flow of air or gas |
Aerolithology |
Study of aerolites; meteorites |
Aerology |
Study of the atmosphere |
Aeronautics |
Study of navigation through air or space |
Aerophilately |
Collecting of air-mail stamps |
Aerostatics |
Science of air pressure; art of ballooning |
Agonistics |
Art and theory of prize-fighting |
Agriology |
The comparative study of primitive peoples |
Agrobiology |
Study of plant nutrition; soil yields |
Agrology |
Study of agricultural soils |
Agronomics |
Study of productivity of land |
Agrostology |
Science or study of grasses |
Alethiology |
Study of truth |
Algedonics |
Science of pleasure and pain |
Algology |
Study of algae |
Anaesthesiology |
Study of anaesthetics |
Anaglyptics |
Art of carving in bas-relief |
Anagraphy |
Art of constructing catalogues |
Anatomy |
Study of the structure of the body |
Andragogy |
Science of teaching adults |
Anemology |
Study of winds |
Angelology |
Study of angels |
Angiology |
Study of blood flow and lymphatic system |
Anthropobiology |
Study of human biology |
Anthropology |
Study of human cultures |
Aphnology |
Science of wealth |
Apiology |
Study of bees |
Arachnology |
Study of spiders |
Archaeology |
Study of human material remains |
Archelogy |
The study of first principles |
Archology |
Science of the origins of government |
Arctophily |
Study of teddy bears |
Areology |
Study of mars |
Aretaics |
The science of virtue |
Aristology |
The science or art of dining |
Arthrology |
Study of joints |
Astacology |
The science of crayfish |
Astheniology |
Study of diseases of weakening and aging |
Astrogeology |
Study of extraterrestrial geology |
Astrology |
Study of influence of stars on people |
Astrometeorology |
Study of effect of stars on climate |
Astronomy |
Study of celestial bodies |
Astrophysics |
Study of behaviour of interstellar matter |
Astroseismology |
Study of star oscillations |
Atmology |
The science of aqueous vapour |
Audiology |
Study of hearing |
Autecology |
Study of ecology of one species |
Autology |
Scientific study of oneself |
Auxology |
Science of growth |
Avionics |
The science of electronic devices for aircraft |
Axiology |
The science of the ultimate nature of values |