Ecclesiology |
Study of church affairs |
Eccrinology |
Study of excretion |
Ecology |
Study of environment |
Economics |
Study of material wealth |
Edaphology |
Study of soils |
Egyptology |
Study of ancient egypt |
Ekistics |
Study of human settlement |
Electrochemistry |
Study of relations between electricity and chemicals |
Electrology |
Study of electricity |
Electrostatics |
Study of static electricity |
Embryology |
Study of embryos |
Emetology |
Study of vomiting |
Emmenology |
The study of menstruation |
Endemiology |
Study of local diseases |
Endocrinology |
Study of glands |
Enigmatology |
Study of enigmas |
Entomology |
Study of insects |
Entozoology |
Study of parasites that live inside larger organisms |
Enzymology |
Study of enzymes |
Ephebiatrics |
Branch of medicine dealing with adolescence |
Epidemiology |
Study of diseases; epidemics |
Epileptology |
Study of epilepsy |
Epistemology |
Study of grounds of knowledge |
Eremology |
Study of deserts |
Ergology |
Study of effects of work on humans |
Ergonomics |
Study of people at work |
Escapology |
Study of freeing oneself from constraints |
Eschatology |
Study of death; final matters |
Ethnogeny |
Study of origins of races or ethnic groups |
Ethnology |
Study of cultures |
Ethnomethodology |
Study of everyday communication |
Ethnomusicology |
Study of comparative musical systems |
Ethology |
Study of natural or biological character |
Ethonomics |
Study of economic and ethical principles of a society |
Etiology |
The science of causes; especially of disease |
Etymology |
Study of origins of words |
Euthenics |
Science concerned with improving living conditions |
Exobiology |
Study of extraterrestrial life |