Dactyliology |
Study of rings |
Dactylography |
The study of fingerprints |
Dactylology |
Study of sign language |
Deltiology |
The collection and study of picture postcards |
Demology |
Study of human behaviour |
Demonology |
Study of demons |
Dendrochronology |
Study of tree rings |
Dendrology |
Study of trees |
Deontology |
The theory or study of moral obligation |
Dermatoglyphics |
The study of skin patterns and fingerprints |
Dermatology |
Study of skin |
Desmology |
Study of ligaments |
Diabology |
Study of devils |
Diagraphics |
Art of making diagrams or drawings |
Dialectology |
Study of dialects |
Dioptrics |
Study of light refraction |
Diplomatics |
Science of deciphering ancient writings and texts |
Diplomatology |
Study of diplomats |
Docimology |
The art of assaying |
Dosiology |
The study of doses |
Dramaturgy |
Art of producing and staging dramatic works |
Dysgenics |
The study of racial degeneration |
Dysteleology |
Study of purposeless organs |